New Nations

New Nations ccTLD Nameserver

New Nations unveils the power structure of the Internet and extends the existing digital network into a new dimension. It creates new Internet addresses (ccTLD) for unacknowledged groups such as the Tibetans, the Tamils, the Uigurs and others. As a community project, New Nations tests new forms of global togetherness and communicative exchange.

Supported by: Swiss Federal Department of Home Affairs EDI - Federal Office of Culture BAK, cynetart Dresden


New-Nations, Kunstmuseum Thun
New Nations Installation view, Kunstmuseum Thun

Shedhalle, Zurich, Switzerland, 2011
Kunstmuseum Thun, Switzerland, 2010
European Center for the Arts, Hellerau, Germany, 2009

Supported by: Swiss Federal Office of Culture, Cynetart Dresden

Installationsansicht, Shedhalle Zürich
Installation view, Shedhalle, Zurich

New-Nations, Shedhalle, Zürich
Installation view, Shedhalle, Zurich